LASENSOR LSGY101 Effective Compressed Gas Contamination Monitoring
The Lasensor LSGY101 Inline Compressed Gas Particle Counter Ultra High Purity Gas Particle Counter
Purpose: High-tech manufacturing processes often require high purity gases, and the LSGY101 compressed gas particle counter provides reliable inline contamination monitoring of processing gases at pipeline pressure. LSGY101 is compatible with most non-toxic gases and can be used in a variety of active gas monitoring
Application Fields: Widely applied in electronics, optics, chemistry, food, cosmetics, medical and health, biological products, aerospace and other departments.
Particle concentrations in compressed gases are typically measured using conventional air particle counters routinely used in cleanroom environmental monitoring
LASENSOR LSGY101 Inline Compressed Gas Particle Counter For Cleanroom | ActiveEffective Compressed Gas Contamination Monitoring | Ultra High Purity Gas Particle Counter
This product is a cyclonic bioaerosol sampler, which uses cyclone separation technology to directly collect aerosolsin the air into the liquid, and then com bines with PCR, LAMP and other detection methods to quickly detect bacteriafungi and viruses in the sample. This product can be used for disease prevention and control, sewage environment, pharmaceutical, aquaculturefermentation ind ustry, food industry, biolo gical clean environment and public places such as microbial sampling FEATURES of LASENSOR LSGY101 Inline Compressed Gas Particle Counter For Cleanroom | ActiveEffective Compressed Gas Contamination Monitoring | Ultra High Purity Gas Particle Counter
1 Safe sealed protective case 2 Nitrogen protection, compatible with Hydrogen and Oxygen 3 Sensitivity .:0.1 μm sensitivity at 0.1 SCFM 4 Safe sealed protective case 5 Connecting to the host by ommunication protocol for com-prehensive data storage,management, reporting and alerting 6 Pipe pressure from 40 to 150psig 7 Semiconductor laserlight sourcerequires minimal maintenance 8 Once gas leaks, the counter powershuts down immediately 9 Precise particle size provided
Application of LASENSOR LSGY101 Inline Compressed Gas Particle Counter For Cleanroom | ActiveEffective Compressed Gas Contamination Monitoring | Ultra High Purity Gas Particle Counter • Cleanroom Monitoring • Facility Certification • Facility Monitoring • Filter Testing • Cleanroom Laundries • Cleanroom Packing • Aerospace • Hospital Surgical Rooms • Pharmaceutical • Paint Spray Booths •Food Processing Area •Hard Disk Drive Manufacturing Feature of Inline Compressed Effective Compressed Gas Contamination Monitoring
LSGY101-High Pressure Gas Particle Counter
Flow rate:
PM ranges
0.1μm,0.2μm,0.3μm,0.5μm,1.0μm,2.0μm,3.0μm,5.0μm total 8 channals
Environment Tempreture:
Temperature:0-45℃, Humidity 0-98%( no condensation)
1/4VCR connector
304 Stainless steel
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